Tuesday, December 31, 2024
The Daily Puppy Yearly Wrap-Up:
Top 10 Posts of 2024!!
2024 is officially coming to a close, Dalmatian fans! This year has no doubt been quite a ride for us folks of the Daily Puppy, and we had been treat with a treasure trove of incredible new content for the 101DS fandom to further expand their creative opportunities like the pilot episode and major 101DS fan-projects. Of course, there were some sad moments in the fandom that was related to the staff behind the show. Nontheless, 2024 has been a fun year for us!
So, to close out another year for the community, let's highlight our Top 10 posts from our website! (Click the images to access each individual posts)
1. 101 Dalmatian Street Pilot Episode
2. 101DS GMOD/SFM Models Pack 1 + 2
3. D is for Dalmatians Book
4. 101 Dalmatian Street S2: Welcome Back
5. 101DS Animal Control Comic Fan-Dub in Development
8. 101DS Fan-Animatic: Troublemaking Pups
9. Deepak inspired Kamarovo MV by Sr_Dosxx
And that includes our Top ten posts! Thank you all for showing your love and support for the show thus far. We hope the new content released throughout this year has provided you creative ambitions for works that would furtherh benefit the 101DS community! We look forward to what 2025 brings for the fandom and what content we can expect! Until then, this is the Daily Puppy signing off. See you all in 2025!