Sunday, December 26, 2022
101DS Art Gallery:
Merry Pups-Mas (2022)
We folks of The Daily Puppy want to once again, heartfully wish another Merrily Pups-Mas to one and all in the 101DS fan community! For every year, we fans come to carry each others backs, willing to help one another in the most difficult of times, and spread the joy and energy that the fandom strives on.
Like last year, we have a large pawful of artwork full of Christmas cheer for this year's Xmas Art Gallery, ranging from artwork by ChelleDoggo, ScooterDoodles, Jayofthetrees, BabClayton, Marco_Bagatin and more! Your support and dedication to 101 Dalmatian Street means a lot to us, and you never fail to show your energy and passion in our difficult road to make the show popular on Disney+ and everywhere!
As we close another chapter on our lives in the 101DS community, we move forward to next year, continuing to unleash our creative ambitions and goals to ensure that 101 Dalmatian Street is recognized by everyone around the world, and to bring folks from other fandoms to come support our movement. Thank you everyone for the support so far. Until then, have a Merry Christmas and we look forward to all of you in the The Daily Puppy to support the show in the new year ahead of us in 2023!