Tuesday, February 28, 2023
101DS Music-Spotlight:
"I've Got My Pups with Me" Jazzy/Orchestra Cover by Fahad Lami
It has been LONG since we've ever made a spotlight of 101DS fan-music. We believe now is a good time to get back to the swing of that. And what good way to put fan-music back on the spotlight than to showcase this? You may recognize @FahadLami20. He's not only a legend in utilizing all 101DS installments for his creative talent, he's also a talented music composer, not just for 101DS alone. And wait until you get a kick of this.
A little while ago, Fahad had rearrangement 101 Dalmatian Street's theme song "I've Got My Pups with Me" into an upbeat musical piece with a combined mixture of orchestra and jazz. Despite sounding different, this cover carries the same energy and excitement from the original iteration of the show's theme song, and we'd like to give Fahad some strong credit for his work! Please, check out this piece and listen to it for yourself!