Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Daily Puppy has Announcements/Plans for 101DS's 3rd Anniversary on March 18!

The 3rd Anniversary of 101 Dalmatian Street's first official airing on television is almost upon us, Dalmatian fans! As such, we folks of the Daily Puppy are becoming excited as we wait to show you what we have in store for the show's 3rd year. That's why on March 18, we plan to celebrate the show for a whole week by making a string of daily announcements and plans for not just The Daily Puppy, but for 101 Dalmatian Street as well! It's something we wish to call "Dalmatian Street Day". It's a one-week event where we celebrate everything that is 101 Dalmatian Street, give thank-you letters to the creators and staff behind the show, and of course showcase 101DS fan-content from you lovely creators!

We would love for our website's founder, Phron to tell us what he's been working on for the exciting event, but we don't want to spoil it! Regardless, Dalmatian Day is our next big step in pushing 101 Dalmatian Street's popularity, and we look forward to showing what sort of surprises we have in store for this one-week event! Keep up the good work, Dalmatian fans and never lose that fandom spirit!