Saturday, July 8, 2023
101DS Fan-Comic Spotlight:
"A Spotless Record"
by The Miles
Hey there Dalmatian fans, it’s once again Mel_Toons! But please, call me Mel. I hope everyone is doing well by the time you’re reading this.
Today, we'll be showcasing a brand new mini-episode comic from the talented Miles the Fox: A Spotless Record.
The plot feels like something you’d expect from an episode from the series: Dorothy gets her first spot, and the whole 101 family celebrates. But a pup feels left out; Darcy, the pup that appeared in the background of their other art pieces.
Personally, I find it really interesting that a OC of theirs is in the background of their other works is the main focus here for this minisode.
I know they say they found it fitting, but I’m a sucker for the background characters for their chance to shine: really reminds me of other such episodes from cartoons such as TAWOG’s The Extras, or MLP’s Slice of Life.
I do wonder if the fandom will try to make a story/comic about the background characters we see one day, but that’s me going onto a tangent at that point.
Anyways, back on topic, this story is sweet and to the point, with Darcy feeling left out and wanting a spot of her own, and of course there is a twist, but we suggest you read for yourself and see it, since it is a relatively short read and to the point. But the ending is really sweet and feels like it could happen as an episode in a potential Season 2 of 101 Dalmatian Street.
That’s all we have to say, until next time, Dalmatian fans!
Written by: Mel_Toons
Revised by: Danuki