Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Dalmatian Street Day!!
Day 6: The Next 101 Dalmatian Street Twitter Trending Party Will Be Held on April 27th!
Dalmatian Street Day is nearing its end, as we are now in our 6th day in the celebrations of 101 Dalmatian Street's 3rd Anniversary. This time, we have HUGE announcement regarding our next 101DS trending party! Pick up those calendars once more Dalmatian fans, because It's going to be held next month on April 27th at 9:30AM Eastern Time!
I'm sure many of you 101DS fans may already feel familiar on what to do to promote these trending parties by now, but we'll give you some tips & guides to refresh your memory.
Tips & Guides on how to Promote for the April 12th 101DS Trending Party
Of course, we couldn't have made it this far in our future endeavors in promoting 101 Dalmatian Street without the support from the 101DS fan community. We are absolutely grateful for all the ambitious hard work you people have done in building the show's popularity and of course supporting The Daily Puppy website.
So, as Dalmatian Street Day is coming to an end tomorrow, let's all shift our focus from the celebrations to building up our promotional efforts in our upcoming April 27th 101 Dalmatian Street Twitter Trending Party. We implore everyone to keep doing our part and make this event as meaningful as every other trending party and get #101DalmatianStreet and #Save101DalmatianStreet to trend once again on Twitter.