Wednesday, Maech 13, 2024
101 Dalmatian Street 5th Anniversary Event:
A 7-day celebration for 101DS fans
Long time, no see, Dalmatian fans! We apologize for the downtime. But we have finally come back after months of inactivity to let you know that we are indeed sponsoring for co-editor Danuki Dalmatian's upcoming fan-event. And it's happening during March 18th, the day of 101 Dalmatian Street's 5th Anniversary! Which we 101DS fans like to call, Dalmatian Street Day!
We're going to be celebrating the entire event for a whole week, starting from Dalmatian Street Day to March 24th, and it will be happening in every corner of the internet! From now, it will have been 5 years since the show had made its official airing on television in the European territories, and from what we've seen, 101DS fans could not be more excited! And we couldn't be happier to be the sponsors of this exciting event! As such, here's the tips & guidelines on how you can celebrate this major event to refresh your memory.
And finally, on each day during the week-long celebration, there will be 7 major announcements regarding projects/events for the 101DS community. And you can bet your spots that they're going to be without a doubt, tail-wagging, spot-tastic, paw-somely exciting and we hope you'll look forward to see what we have in store for all of you in 2024 for the 101 Dalmatian Street community!
We're aiming for the 5th Anniversary to be the most memorable year for every fan in the community, and of course Dalmatian Street itself! We implore all of you to take part and help us ensure that the 7-day celebration is a major success, and if you read these tips and guidelines, you know what we should do! We hope you're all looking forward to all of the surprises we have to offer for 101DS fans during the event. And keep tuning in on the Daily Puppy!