Friday, June 21, 2024
101DS Fan-Animatic:
Troublemaking Pups
We have another amazing fan-piece straight from Danuki's Dalmatian Studio, Dalmatian fans! This time, it's a form of a full-fledged animatic. Watch Danuki's latest video "Troublemaking Pups" featuring our two mischevious canines, Fergus and Dolly and their snobby rival-of-a-Corgi-Clarissa!
For any of you who had grown watching Robert Benfer's stop-motion web-series "Klay World" all the way from 2003, you might just love this! This animatic takes audio directly from one of those shorts, and honestly, the slapstick in this is outright hilarious! Furthermore, Danuki made certain that content within it was puppy friendly in contrast to the violent theme Klay World takes but remains enjoyable for long time fans that grew up with the klaymation series! We urge you to watch this piece and enjoy the amazing hard work Danuki had put into making this first animatic!